
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines console commands money
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines console commands money

Hey, I just posted on another thread, but this seems relevant. Next, click on Set Launch Options, and add in -console on the next popup. The process differs depending on the operating system and whether the game is launched through Steam.

vampire the masquerade bloodlines console commands money

bind 3 "vhotkey #7" //Blood Buff/Shield can be scrolled to. Append -console to the end of the target, outside of the quotes (ie, "wherever you have this folder installed\Vampire - Bloodlines\vampire.exe" -console). bind t "use item_g_bloodpack" //These binds allow the use of bloodpacks without having to use the in-game hotkey system. Under Steam's Library tab, right click on Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, and click Properties on the dialog box.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines console commands money